Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Barn Cats - 11/1/2010 - 11/7/2010 - Catch up!

Apologize for the delay in getting all the blogs updated - had some technical issues and have been playing 'catch up' for awhile!

But, we are back on track and, hopefully, no more technical issues!


Barn Cats was in Corinth, Wilmer, Crossroads, Prosper, and Westlake for relocations this week…a lot of traveling around for only 3 counties!   Corinth, Crossroads, and Prosper are all in Denton County.  We placed 11 cats in barns and did 3 trades with adoption groups – DFW Humane and Cat Matchers….for a grand total of 14 cats placed this week.  The Wilmer location wants additional cats following the release of the 4 they received on Saturday.  We hope to place 2 or 3 other groups of 4 on that property later this year.   
Those 14 placements sound great until you think about the 15 hoarder cats that came in from a Garland location where there were over 30 cats.   Feral Friends is doing the trapping and sterilization.  This 15 is only the “first round”.   Now about 1/2 to 1/3 of these cats are looking more domesticated than feral.   Because of this situation and other commitments, we were unable to help out with the 138 cats seized in Grand Prairie.  When I mentioned Kittico to that lady, she already knew about their spay/neuter clinic – BUT – had still only gotten 3 out of 138 spayed/neutered.
We also took in a Saturday “emergency” from a person who found a totally declawed cat living outside at an apartment complex.  The poor defenseless cat was being beaten up by other free-roaming cats in the neighborhood.  NOW – hopefully the cat will test negative for leukemia – always a concern.    Will let you know next week.  
Hey – need backyard placement with shelter for 4 white cats….nice boys but feral.  White cats reflect moonlight – I call that a coyote magnet.  I will continue to hold them until the right arrangement can be made for them.   We had hoped to place them in Oklahoma at a place that does Great Pyrenees Rescue, but I have not had a return call.  Great Pyrenees dogs are those big white dogs with the square heads.  They are herder dogs.  You see them living with a bunch of goats or sheep around Bonham.  They protect whatever area they are assigned to … chasing off predators like coyotes.  We love them!  Llamas and donkeys are great for coyote control as well. 
Just another thing to ruin your day:  I have started taking in cats from TCU.  Their stadium is being imploded in December.  The cats living there could be buried in the rubble.  GEEZ!    Got in one yesterday with 3 other expected soon.  
So, 14 went out but 20 came in – what is wrong with that picture!   Hopefully barns in Oklahoma, Van Alstyne, North Ft. Worth, and Alvarado will get scheduled next week.  Keep your paws crossed!

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