Sunday, December 10, 2017

Blog 12/04/17 to 12/10/17

Seeking someone to take over Barn Cats, Inc.:  I would like to officially retire as Executive Director in 2019.  I can retain the fundraising pieces but would like to stop the relocations, equipment pickups, phone calls, and emails…the day-to-day stuff.  I will be available for consultation.  If interested call or email Barn Cats…972-315-2875

Our Cats after Release
Calls/Emails:  Ring Worm
BMG (Bitch/Moan/Groan:  Cats from San Antonio Area
OMG (Oh My God):  Cat in a Small Apartment with 9 Dogs

Relocations and In Take:   I placed 8 this week.       
2          Adoption Group (Tallulah, Dean)
3          Barn in Leonard (Gloria, Bay, Venus)
3          Garage in Celina (Perky, Casey, Hendrix)

Our Cats after Release:    
1.     Wylie:  Norm, Gingie, and Hannibal went to this barn.  One has not been seen – one is seen regularly – one has turned friendly!  Well you never know!
2.     McKinney:  I set up caging for these two and the owners moved them from their previous home location.  They are now living IN SIDE THE HOUSE!   YES! 
3.     Dallas:  Friendly cats, Godiva and Hershey, were placed in this storage shed next to the carport.  The family is seeing one but not the other – but – who knows…both are solid black!  
Calls/Emails:  Ring Worm
Tallulah was turned over to an adoption group.  They called 4 days later and said that she had ring worm and they cannot treat her.  WHAT?  That is very treatable.  This is a large location with a shelter, employees, volunteers, vets on staff, etc. etc.  AND – they are going to “put her down” if I do not come get her that same day.  I got her out of there, left a nasty message on the supervisor’s phone, and said “lose my phone number”.  This is just ME dealing with all of these and they have hundreds of people…so…no more help with their un-adoptable cats from this organization.  It ends here! 

BMG:   Cats from San Antonio Area
I received 4 cats from a local rescuer.  The paperwork was filled out ahead of time and just given to me.  When I looked at it, these cats are from a San Antonio suburb, are 7 years old, and two have a lot of white on them…ALL BAD!   PEOPLE:  There are plenty of cats here – why are you taking them from another part of Texas?  I know there are bad situation everywhere.  I get those calls, too.  I would be willing to bet that someone appealed to her via Facebook so she took in the cats without asking any questions THEN DISCOVERED THEY ARE NOT SOCIALIZED!   So – give them to Barn Cats.  I made several phone calls and also discovered a few things: 
1.  The organization that did the vet work HAS A BARN CAT PROGRAM.
2.  These cats have never been outside for their entire 7 year lives. 
OK – Another phone call to a cat sanctuary in that same area and she is going to take them in plus another 1 year old that was found with a can stuck to its’ head.  They will be going to the San Antonio area on 12/18.   GOOD FOR THEM!  Nice long lives in a protected area.  Why didn’t this happen the first time!

OMG:  Cat in a Small Apartment with 9 Dogs
Not sure why – but these folks trapped a cat in another town on the other side of Dallas from there they live and the brother was keeping it in a carrier in a one bedroom apartment with 9 dogs!   I was unable to help them due to no open cages but did provide names of other groups she could call.  Turns out they decided to get the cat neutered and release him back to where he came from.  Trap/Neuter/Return is always the best option because the cat is familiar with the surroundings.  Glad it worked out. 

Thanks for following the Barn Cats Blog.            Peg

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