Monday, February 5, 2018

Blog 01/29/18 to 02/04/18

Seeking someone to take over Barn Cats, Inc.:  I would like to officially retire as Executive Director in 2019.  I can retain the fundraising pieces but would like to stop the relocations, equipment pickups, phone calls, and emails…the day-to-day stuff.  I will be available for consultation.  If interested call or email Barn Cats…972-315-2875

January Closeout
Our Cats after Release
Calls/Emails:   UPDATE:  Miss Kitty in Flower Mound
BMG (Bitch/Moan/Groan):  READY FOR SUMMER
OMG (Oh My God):  Grace from the Tri-City Shelter

Relocations:   I placed 11 this week.  All will have heaters or heat lamps with them plus our double winter hidey boxes, rugs and blankets to cover the cages.      
1          Adoption Group (Grace)
4          Garage and Workshop in Rockwall (Cheese, Mozzarella, Mister, Matty)
3          Barn in Combine (Regina, Italy, Rose)
3          Workshop in Waxahachie (Lita, Cheerio, Natalie)

January Closeout:  We placed 28 in January in spite of the extreme cold at the first of the month.  They went to 6 North Texas counties:
            Collin              Denton            Hood
            Dallas              Ellis                 Kaufman

Our Cats after Release: 
1.     Royce City:  Tammy, Taylor, and Mama went to this garage area with a heater.  All are around and Taylor has become friendly with the owner’s daughter who is also named Taylor!  GO FIGURE!
2.     Granbury:  Monaco and Oreo went to this property where the rats were eating the wiring for the hot tub and pool.  I went to move them from the garage to their new Cat Castle.  I went well and I hope they stay.  The owners have game camera’s set up – so we will know!

Calls/Emails:  UPDATE:  Miss Kitty in Flower Mound
Ashton and Miss Kitty went to this barn in Flower Mound.  Miss Kitty was hanging around the pool at the house last week.  Here she is! 

I have had it with cold weather.  I am ready for warmer weather and for shorts instead of long pants and long sleeves.  I am also tired of rugs for the cages, blankets to cover the cages if it is windy, and heat lamps.  BRING ON THE WARM!  

OMG:  Grace from the Tri-City Shelter
Grace was originally adopted from the shelter but returned because the people were moving.  You know – I have moved across the country several times and always taken my cats!  BUT – they asked me to take her.  She is a nice black and white cat that was described as a lap cat…not a barn cat for sure.  I asked Casa de Critters to take her on the 30th and she was adopted on the 31st from the local Petco store where they do adoptions.  Here is Grace in our cage in the cat room, lying on her back for a tummy rub.  (Sorry – cannot get photo to flow…maybe next week)

Thanks for following the Barn Cats Blog.            Peg                                                                         

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