Sunday, September 30, 2018

Barn Cats 09/24/18 to 09/30/18

Blog 09/24/18 to 09/30/18

September Closeout
Our Cats after Release
Calls/Emails:   Call to Help an Elderly Lady
BMG (Bitch/Moan/Groan):  The Cat with Massive Diarrhea
OMG (Oh My God):  Missing Paperwork

Relocations:   I placed 15 this week. 
            4          Workshop in Rockwall (Bertha, Price, Rowan, Sadie)
            3          Adoption Group (Dash, Hans, Walter)
            2          Barn in Celeste (Harriett, Callie)      
            2          Barn in Sadler (Seymour, Pablo)
            4          Barn in Terrell (Summer, Simone, Mama, Crystal)

When I put out the 4 in Terrell, I put Mama and Summer together and Simone and Crystal together.  Immediately Mama and Summer got into the same carrier (so cute) and Simone and Crystal exchanged carriers.  I always worry putting them together but it all worked out this time. 
September Closeout
Placed 50 in 9 North Texas counties.  This total number of 431 is over 100 less than last year.   I blame it on EXTREME heat then rain, rain, and more rain.    
            Collin              Denton            Hood               Kaufman         Rockwall
            Dallas              Grayson          Hunt                Parker

Our Cats after Release: 
1.     Cedar Hill:  Ella and Wonton went to this air conditioned garage.  Ella has now relocated to a friend of the property owner to have a safe indoor-only home.  She originally came from an adoption group – so this is every good.  She was SHY with the group and did not show well at adopt-a-pets.  Wonton is now Bella and is doing well.
2.     Aubrey:  Trinity, Shimmy, Jamie and Dottie June went to this garage.  I saw Dottie June and 2 out of the other 3 are seen regularly.  All good!
3.     Aubrey:  Santos and Holiday went to this workshop and carport.   SOME HOW – Santos got out the first night (?????) and has not been spotted.  Holiday is around all the time and living mostly under a shed. 
4.     Flower Mound:  Oreo went to live at the plant nursery to be friends with Lilly, a cat we put there several years ago.  Oreo has adjusted well there.

5.     Parker County:  Union and Roy went to this workshop/shed.  Union has taken off but Roy is around and is now Ian.  He will even lets the family pet him.  They have a great cat house, too.  Take a look:

Calls/Emails:   Call to Help an Elderly Lady
Received a call from a friend of an elderly lady who is having a cat problem.  I called but she does not answer, the mail box is full, and that phone number does not accept texts.  I am stumped!   I will continue to call for several more days – BUT – if you won’t answer the phone, I cannot help you or your friend. 

BMG:   The Cat with Massive Diarrhea  
I found a place for him this week, finally.  I hope he is happy there.  

OMG:   Missing Paperwork
We have a rule:  Forget the paperwork, and you can take your cat back home with you.  It happened this week BUT the paperwork had been given to the person but it fell between her car seats…!!!   When found, I took the cat.  GEEZ!     

Thanks for following the Barn Cats Blog.            Peg                                                                    

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