Saturday, June 25, 2011

Week Ending 5/29/2011

MANY KITTENS from Valley View
2 Funny Stories

RELOCATIONS: It was a rather slow week for relocations due to the Memorial Holiday weekend, graduations, vacation planning, etc., etc., etc. We did place:
2 in Allen
3 in Dallas
2 in Farmersville
1 in Plano (backyard)
4 in Ponder
…for a total of 12 – but – any week in double digits is good!
We also got lots of equipment picked up….Lindale, Copper Canyon, Waxahachie, and Red Oak.

MANY KITTENS: I know: Barn Cats, Inc. does not take kittens. They can be carried off by a hawk or an owl. BUT – we got a call from Valley View just south of Gainesville with a “guy” with 6 or 7 litters…OUCH! We went to his house with the Chief of Police and the Animal Control Officer .. and SURE ENOUGH….26 kittens! We also got 4 nursing moms, one of which is feral. GEEZ! So, what causes this? NO SPAY NEUTER! This is unnecessary. There are 4 ferals in the house that he is going to have to trap. We left carriers and traps with the promise that we will get them sterilized and either barned or returned to his property. We have a TCAP appointment on Tuesday…but…if the babies are still nursing, we cannot get the moms spayed yet. The SPCA in McKinney will take them once they are 2 lbs….so….we feed, watch and weigh. Two of the moms are adoptable as well. He wants one friendlier female back after she is spayed. I am encouraging him to keep some of the ferals because there is bound to be a rodent problem in there. We did not go in! He took in carriers and brought them out. Some of the kittens had goopy eyes but we now have that cleared up, we think. So – hope a bunch of these get placed this week….we shall see.

#1 Funny Story: Right at the start of Barn Cats in 2003, we got a call to help move a group of cats from an apartment complex to a house with property attached in Oak Cliff. This is when I first met Bob. He had offered to purchase a tent to house the caging to the cats would have a successful relocation. YES – BUT – neither he or Diane had any idea how to put this tent together. I was no help, either! This was the Three Stooges go Camping! But, eventually the tent was up and the cages could be put inside. It actually worked well but was very amusing! The relocation discussed above in Dallas is with the same care giver, Diane, and she now is moving 3 cats to the same property.

#2 Funny Story: I put Jasper and Squealer in a workshop in Aubrey. This was the location where the kids came home from school and their LARGE trampoline was GONE! They found it about a mile away, over 2 fences, and holding down 2 cows! (no cows were harmed in this story) Last weekend, Squealer killed a LARGE RAT and then dropped it over the fence in the backyard for the dogs to “play with”. GROSS! The husband had to chase the dogs around to get the dead rat. Wish I had seen that one! BUT – Squealer is DOING HIS JOB!


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