Sunday, June 26, 2011

Week Ending 6/27/2011

Subjects today: Relocations plus Totals for Year-To-Date
Update: MANY KITTENS from Valley View

I have returned from vacation. I took a trip to El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Belize to visit Mayan ruins. It was a wonderful trip but strenuous…lots of hikes and climbing. I may have to wait for the Disney tram to come by next time!

RELOCATIONS: We placed a total of 28 this week:
4 kittens to the SPCA for adoption
15 to SPCA from Siamese Rescue via Barn Cats
4 moved from Desoto to Ft. Worth
3 to McKinney
2 to Melissa

We picked up equipment in Weatherford where all 3 cats are hanging around, Krum where she has been 3 out of 6 cats….but several were black, and Ponder where 3 out of 4 cats are still there. One has become friendly and will let the barn owner pick him up and hold him in her lap. You never know!

MANY KITTENS: While I was out of town, we lost one kitten and another passed away Friday of this week. That leaves 18 still in house. The grandmother of all these cats is scheduled to be spayed this week on Tuesday. She had 2 abscessed teeth while I was gone.

I still have 2 nursing moms and one has gone into heat! The good news is that there are no un-neutered males in the house. She waves here “rear end” in the air and tries to entice one of my many neutered males to “get it on”. “Hey big boy – how about a good time?” At least she is not a SCREAMER!

I received an email from the guy that gave us the kittens. There are still 3 moms, 2 unneutered males and some kittens at his house. He is trying to trap them!

I hope to get 3 to Wills Point, 3 to Waxahachie, and 5 to McKinney this week. There are still 4 places to pick up equipment, as well…Oak Cliff, Waxahachie, Sachse, and Plano.

Thanks to Nancy for keeping up with the emails and phone calls plus Linny, Julie, Peggy H, and Chris for taking such good care of the kittens and the cat rooms while I was out of town.


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