Sunday, August 12, 2018

Blog 08/06/18 to 08/12/18

Seeking someone to take over Barn Cats, Inc.:  I would like to officially retire as Executive Director in 2019.  If interested call or email Barn Cats…972-315-2875

Our Cats after Release
Calls/Emails:   The Killer Cat
BMG (Bitch/Moan/Groan):  First Too Hot – Now Raining!
OMG (Oh My God):  Morris and Rascal – ADOPTED!   

Relocations:   I placed 0 this week.  BUMMER!                  

Our Cats after Release: 
1.     McKinney:  Simba, Fannie, and Sherman went to this barn.  All three are seen regularly and Simba was even out to see me.  I was not quick enough to get a picture…sorry!
2.     Burleson:  Cammy, Sigmund, and Rommy went to this garage attached to the family home.  ALSO, the husband is a veterinarian…yes!   The food is disappearing and the litter box used but they have not been seen.  I’ll bet they are all still around. 
3.     Paradise:  Big Daddy and Senor went to this workshop/garage attached to the home.  Both are still around – so this is good. 

Calls/Emails:   The Killer Cat
Received a call to take a cat that is an “extreme” killer.  She brings home bodies each day and they are tired of the carnage.  WELL – now I have her and she will go to Wichita Falls later this next week.  I would be willing to bet that her former home will be overrun with mice, rats, and bunnies.  LOOK OUT!  I warned them! 
BMG:   First Too Hot – Now Raining!
It has cooled off but now is storming.  I cannot seem to win.  I just hope it stays cooler so I can get some cats placed this week.  I have an appointment for 4 going out on Friday.  I now have all 18 cages full with 2 in my family room.  GEEZ!     

OMG:  Morris and Rascal – ADOPTED!   
These two boys were returned to the Garland shelter where they would have been put down.  After a week or so here, I asked an adoption groups to take them for their Petco location.  Morris was adopted first on a Friday so I put Rascal up there.  Now he has been adopted as well.  SOOOOOO GOOD! 

Thanks for following the Barn Cats Blog.            Peg                                                                    

1 comment:

  1. Is there a way to follow-up on Rainbow’s disposition? We want to be sure she went to a good home. If problems at the adoption agency, we’ll take her back and make her an outdoor guardcat. John & Carole 972.447-0566. PS: Glad it wasn’t you who was screaming all night....
