Sunday, October 17, 2010

A new day for Barn Cats!!! (Lewisville, TX)

Well, today begins a new day for Barn from Lewisville, TX.

Today, we are going to start a blog so everyone can hear what we are doing.

Over the next few days, we will share some stories about us so you can get to know us and our mission better.

Before we go too far, we will introduce ourselves (in case you don't know us)!!!

In the DFW area, it is estimated there are over 250,000 free-roaming (feral) cats. These are not lost pets that have wandered and been lost. These are the 'forgotten' cats. Some of them are more than two generations away from ever having been part of a human family.

Barn Cats, Inc. is an all-volunteer group that is devoted to saving the lives of the "forgotten" cats in our society. We work to locate rural situations where the cats can live out their lives in as safe an environment as possible. The organization was incorporated in September of 2003 and received 501C3 classification from the IRS in October of 2003.

All the cats are spay/neutered, have had Rabies and FVRCP vaccinations, tested negative for feline leukemia and have their left ear tipped (notched), the universal sign that a feral cat has been spay/neutered. They come from all over the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. The organization places an average of seven to ten cats each week. Only cats old enough to be sterilized are received into the program. All expenses attached to the veterinary care are incurred by the original caregiver or group that has trapped the cats.

Barn homes are found all around North Texas. The barn owners agree to continue to care for the cats (food, water, and medical care) for the remainder of their lives. There is no charge to the barn owner to receive a cat. Cats have been placed in big barns, small barns, sheds with a cat door, riding and boarding stables, garages, offices, nurseries, and guest houses.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for sharing the Barn Cats story via blog. It's a great way to spread the word about the life-saving work you are doing.

    Renee Werner
    Farmers Branch TX

  3. Is this group still active? I need to know how to find the barns, garages, etc., Please post information.

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