Sunday, September 17, 2017

Blog 09/11/17 to 09/17/17

Seeking someone to take over Barn Cats, Inc.:  I would like to officially retire as Executive Director in 2019.  I can retain the fundraising pieces but would like to stop the relocations, equipment pickups, phone calls, and emails…the day-to-day stuff.  I will be available for consultation.  If interested call or email Barn Cats…972-315-2875

THANK YOU -- $5,800 Raised for Barn Cats, Inc. 

Our Cats after Release
Calls/Emails:  Nothing this Week
BMG (Bitch/Moan/Groan:  Non-Closing Carrier
OMG (Oh My God):  Lewisville and Dallas Symphonies

Relocations and In Take:   I placed 24 this week.  YES – making up for last week!      
1          Barn in Blue Ridge (Mac) – does not like other cats
3          Shed in Gainesville (Figaro, Elvis, Binx)
2          Barn in Hillsboro (Rowdy, Riley)
2          Barn in Hillsboro (Holly, Magnus)
3          Barn in Kennedale (Cindy, Suzy, Tyler)
3          Garage in Celina (Licorice, Inari, Blue Bear)
6          Pilot Point (Heidi, Arlo, Jada, Jazz, King, Prince)
2          Barn in Argyle (Sally, Emilio)
2          Barn in Flower Mound (Smitty, Sofia)

Our Cats after Release:    
1.     McKinney:  Savannah, Pepper, and Georgia went to this barn.  Savannah and Georgia have taken off but Pepper is still around.  She is living under a shed but eating and pooping. 
2.     McKinney:  Molly and Sammy went to this sheep barn.  Both have stayed around and have been spotted.  Sammy is friendlier and always “out”.  Molly is more secretive but has also been seen. 
3.     Argyle:  Harry and Sophie went to the loft in this barn.  Harry will take treats from the wife’s hand and has been petted.  Sophie (now Sally – GET IT – Harry and Sally) was sitting at the top of the stairs.  I saw her but it was too dark for a good picture.  
4.     Hickory Creek:  Coopa and Glenda went to this garage with a window for them to come and go.  They have not been spotted but the litter box has been used and food is disappearing….so….I think they are still around. 
5.     Pilot Point:  John, Speckles, Bill, and Buttons went to this barn on VERY LARGE property.  One of the orange tabbies was in a horse feeding area and I got a picture.  One other was behind equipment and too dark to get a picture.  All 4 have been seen in various locations. 

6.     Van Alstyne:  Bubbles went to this backyard with an outdoor kitchen.  She is doing great and looks like the dad is a CAT GUY! 

Calls/Emails:  Nothing this Week

BMG:   Non-Closing Carrier
When packing up Holly to go to Hillsboro on Wednesday, not only did the carrier door not fit, but there were only two screws holding it together.  Don’t know how that happened.  Also, Holly is a WILD ONE so this was scary.  I did put several bungies to hold shut the door and quickly got it into the garage where the extra screws are kept.  Emergency avoided but don’t ever hope that happens again. 

OMG:  Lewisville and Dallas Symphonies
The opening concert for the Lewisville Lake Symphony was Friday night.  A young Korean violinist, Kyung ah Oh, was terrific.  She played a Prokofiev violin concerto that was really unusual.  I enjoyed it!
Saturday evening the Dallas Symphony had its Fall Gala at the Meyerson.  Yo-Yo Ma was the guest artist – WOW – never heard the cello played like that and Jaap Van Zweden, the conductor, was incredible.  This is his last season with the DSO and I’ll bet they will miss him FOR SURE!   Geez – glad I was there!       

Thanks for following the Barn Cats Blog.            Peg

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