Sunday, June 17, 2018

Blog 06/11/18 to 06/17/18

Seeking someone to take over Barn Cats, Inc.:  I would like to officially retire as Executive Director in 2019.  I can retain the fundraising pieces but would like to stop the relocations, equipment pickups, phone calls, and emails…the day-to-day stuff.  I will be available for consultation.  If interested call or email Barn Cats…972-315-2875

Our Cats after Release
Calls/Emails:   Leukemia Cats – SOOOO Sorry!   
BMG (Bitch/Moan/Groan):  Too Many Cats –  UPDATE
OMG (Oh My God):  Sonny – Friendly Orange Tabby
Bunny – RIP!   

Relocations:   I placed 17 this week.               
4          Screened Porch in Cumby (Spunkie, Jack, Perch, Tuxie)
1          Indoor Home in Haslet (Buddy)
1          Barn in Paradise (Sonny)
2          Barn in Colleyville (Jordan, Bernadette)
3          Barn in Celina (Gigi, Mr. Gray, Ember)
3          Barn in McKinney (Avery, Lindsey, Cypress)
2          Barn in Flower Mound (Dottie, Lucy)
1          Garage in McKinney (Blue)

Our Cats after Release: 
1.     Bartonville:  Lola and Larry went to this workshop / barn.  Both were spotted just the night before I picked up equipment.  They are living upstairs on storage shelf.  GOOD IDEA! 
2.     Flower Mound:  Sanjay, Frannie, and Mamie went to this barn.  They have not been spotted but the food is disappearing.  Bet they are still around.  We shall see…
3.     Waxahachie:  Brad, Eddie and Rocky (3 brothers) went to this barn.  They have not been seen but the food is lower after each night.  There are plenty of places to hide so I’ll bet they are all still around.      
4.     Fort Worth:  Imogene, Laura, and Henry went to this barn.  I saw one of the girls (Russian Blue) when I was there.  The barn owner said she sees all three on a regular basis.  All good in Fort Worth!
5.     Double Oak:  Ernie went to this garage home.  He is going great and keeping the entire neighborhood cleaned out of rodents.  YES!

Calls/Emails:   Leukemia Cats – SOOOO SORRY! 
Remember the entry from last week about the group doing barning without testing first.  Well, I told a lady that I would take her cats after they were tested and shots were updated.  6 of those have now been to the vet and 5 out of the 6 have tested positive for feline leukemia which is contagious.  This is so serious!  It can be prevented but not cured but the shots are not 100% effective either.  BUMMER!   Still waiting for the other 3 to see if they are infected as well.   More on this one next week.  
BMG:   Too Many Cats  -- UPDATE!
This is all the emails said:     “Please help have way too many thank you.”  -- NO CITY – NO NAME – but there is a phone number.  I called it.  NO ONE ANSWERED and NO NAME GIVEN! 
If she/he had looked at the website they would know we do not take kittens.  ALSO – these adults are obviously NOT FIXED!   You can stop this by having the first one or two spayed and neutered then you DO NOT HAVE THIS PROBLEM!  We shall see if she calls me back.  UPDATE:  Yes she called me BUT she is out of our service area in East Texas.  I recommended local groups who “might” help her…but…  You just need to take care of this when it is one or two – not an angry mob!     

OMG:  Sonny – Friendly Orange Tabby  
A week ago I received a message from Denton Animal Services about a cat with a microchip that had been turned over to Barn Cats.  He had originally come from Irving.  When I called Irving Animal Services, I found out this was in 2013!!!!!!!  YES – 5 years ago.  It took me a while to dig out the 2013 box.  I tried searching it online but there are many, many Sonny or Sunny cats in my records.  We do not track chip numbers because such a small number of cats come to us with microchips.  Irving was helpful with the date and description.  I originally placed him in December of 2013 in Paradise, Texas.  Well – a year ago, neighbors moved and the same time Sonny disappeared.  The family did not know where they moved so could not get in touch with them.  Looks like they moved to Denton and Sonny ended up in “jail”.  I picked him up on Monday afternoon and returned him to Paradise on Wednesday.  It is always something!    

Bunny – RIP!
Our Bunny passed away on Thursday, June 14th.  He came to us in 2013 from an individual but I never placed him.  He was a Manx (no tail).  Sometimes as Manx cats as they get older cannot get rid of poop.  It then sticks to their butt.  In a farm environment, it would collect flies.  So, Bunny just lived here in the cat room.   This spring, he had an eye start bulging out.  It was removed and was determined to be an aggressive type of cancer.  He went with the other “permanent” barn cats to our Anna Elder Care Center where he got sick this week.  RIP Mr. Bunny.  I am sure the cats in Anna will miss you. 


Thanks for following the Barn Cats Blog.        Peg   


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