Sunday, October 1, 2017

Blog 09/25/17 to 10/01/17

Seeking someone to take over Barn Cats, Inc.:  I would like to officially retire as Executive Director in 2019.  I can retain the fundraising pieces but would like to stop the relocations, equipment pickups, phone calls, and emails…the day-to-day stuff.  I will be available for consultation.  If interested call or email Barn Cats…972-315-2875

Our Cats after Release
September Closeout
Calls/Emails:  Mississippi Cat
BMG (Bitch/Moan/Groan:  Cats Not Released
OMG (Oh My God):  Relocating Cats without Spay/Neuter

Relocations and In Take:   I placed 13 this week.      
1          Adoption Group (Ingrid)
1          Backyard in McKinney (Rosie)
3          Barn in Duncanville (Little Blackie, Randy, Dolly)
3          Barn in Fort Worth (Annie, Paisley, Dudley)
2          Workshop in Denison (Lupe, Lucy)
3          Garage in Copper Canyon (Callie, Libby, Liza)

Rosie was left without any equipment in McKinney.  The workshop has windows and he will spent the week there getting to know the people.  No equipment was left so there will be no update at 2 or 3 weeks when I would have picked up the stuff. 

Our Cats after Release:    
1.     Copper Canyon:  Ace and Jett went to this large property in Copper Canyon.  Buth have been spotted early in the evening roaming around.  AND – the rodents are gone!  

September Closeout:  I placed 67 in 10 North Texas counties. 
            Collin              Dallas              Ellis                 Hill                  Johnson
            Cooke              Denton            Grayson          Hunt                Tarrant

Calls/Emails:  Mississippi Cat
Received a call from a Mississippi phone number.  This guy is a truck driver and has a cat that was traveling with him.  The cat was lost when he delivered some tires in Haslet.  I told him to give my number to that business location and they should get with me if the cat is found.  GOOD GRIEF – what next?   

BMG:   Cats Not Released 
Received a text from a location asking when I would be by to pick up the equipment.  We made an appointment and I traveled there.  BUT – they had not released the cats!   OOPS!   So, I left and it will be done this week.     

OMG:  Relocating Cats without Spay/Neuter
Received a call from someone in a small town that wanted me to recommend a location to move cats but is NOT willing to get them sterilized first.  Well, that recommendation is not coming out of my mouth.  Gave the person some recommendations of other folks to call who might take the cats but get them fixed, too.  Just when you thought you had heard of everything!         

Thanks for following the Barn Cats Blog.            Peg


  1. I live in Greenville....we are looking for a barn cat or two. We have a mice issue and need to nip it in the bud. We do have chickens and ducks, as well as 2 horses and 2 dogs. We also have 2 indoor cats. We have never had a barn cat, so any thoughts or guidance would be helpful. My email is

  2. I live in Greenville....we are looking for a barn cat or two. We have a mice issue and need to nip it in the bud. We do have chickens and ducks, as well as 2 horses and 2 dogs. We also have 2 indoor cats. We have never had a barn cat, so any thoughts or guidance would be helpful. My email is
