Sunday, May 27, 2018

Blog 05/21/18 to 05/27/18

Seeking someone to take over Barn Cats, Inc.:  I would like to officially retire as Executive Director in 2019.  I can retain the fundraising pieces but would like to stop the relocations, equipment pickups, phone calls, and emails…the day-to-day stuff.  I will be available for consultation.  If interested call or email Barn Cats…972-315-2875

BARN CAT BASH – SUNDAY, June 3, 2018 5:30 pm
Bistecca in Highland Village – Reservations Required
Call 972-315-2875 or Email

Our Cats after Release
Calls/Emails:   Two Friendly Orange Tabbies – UPDATE!
BMG (Bitch/Moan/Groan):  Diabetic Cat for Barn Placement?
OMG (Oh My God):  One Week until the BASH

Relocations:   I placed 12 this week.               
4          Workshop in Lucas (Stevie, Duke, Duchess, Baron)
3          Barn in Fort Worth (Imogene, Laura, Henry)
3          Barn in Flower Mound (Sanjay, Frannie, Mamie)
2          Workshop in Bartonville (Lola, Larry)

Our Cats after Release: 
1.     Fort Worth:  Queenie and Honey were placed in this home garage.  Queenie is out and about but has been spotted.  Honey was still in her carrier when I came to pick up equipment so I just left the carrier there.  If she is comfortable, then I am OK with it!
2.     Emory:  The three boys (Rusty, Rudy, and Trevor) are loose in the workshop area and doing well.  All three are around and it is going well.
3.     Haslet:  Mama Kitty and Dulce went to this backyard shed where the homeowner had discovered a poisonous Copperhead snake IN HER HOUSE!   SCARY!  The girls are living under the shed instead of in it but that is OK.  It is cooler there anyway.    

Calls/Emails:   Two Friendlier Orange Tabbies – UPDATE! 
There were two brother orange tabbies at the Flower Mound shelter.  I received a call from the director asking me to take these two brothers.  I did that on Monday and immediately put them in a backyard in Double Oak.  This weekend I received an email from a person with a rescue group that was going to adopt those two brothers.  OK – I always think they are better in a safe, indoor home -- BUT – why didn’t she put a hold on them?  Don’t know if I can get them back now…update next week.  UPDATE:  Property owner is out of town until next week.  Will follow up then.  UPDATE:  They have agreed to give up the two cats to a safe indoor-only home – BUT – one of their kids accidentally left the cage open and the one that is more skittish got out.  Now they are trying to catch the one that is loose.  Set up a second cage next to the other with the other brother because they are a bonded pair and then also left a trap.  Hopefully over the Memorial holiday they will get him.  The saga continues…
BMG:   Diabetic Cat for Barn Placement?
Received an email about a cat that had been peeing outside the litter box.  I asked them to call me.  Well – she is 11 years old, has lived totally inside, and has diabetes!  WHAT?  There are so many red flags here I would run out of lines to document them all.  They even give her insulin!  GOOD FOR THEM – but this type of cat will just not work in a barn.  I recommended a cat sanctuary in San Antonio and/or just release her in your backyard.  Don’t know what they will do but BUMMER for the cat that has only know their home as her home.    

OMG:  One Week until the BASH
This is probably the last Barn Cat Bash.  I will be moving next year so unsure if Barn Cats will still be around or not.  I hope so:  we are the only outlet for a feral cat that has lost its environment or caregiver.  But, I need to do what is best for me due to being OLDER THAN DIRT myself!  I still hold out hope that someone will step up to take over the entire operation.  I am willing to continue fundraising but cannot do the relocations.  I am afraid I will be up near the Red River, on a dirt road, where cell phones don’t work, and I will get stuck or WORSE sick.  Keep your paws crossed that someone will “rise to the occasion”. 

Thanks for following the Barn Cat Blog.            Peg        


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