Sunday, April 8, 2018

Blog 04/02/18 to 04/08/18

Seeking someone to take over Barn Cats, Inc.:  I would like to officially retire as Executive Director in 2019.  I can retain the fundraising pieces but would like to stop the relocations, equipment pickups, phone calls, and emails…the day-to-day stuff.  I will be available for consultation.  If interested call or email Barn Cats…972-315-2875

Our Cats after Release
March Closeout
Calls/Emails:   Update from Mesquite
BMG (Bitch/Moan/Groan):  Leukemia in 2 Cats
OMG (Oh My God):  Leukemia in 1 Cat
Elder Care Center Shed:  UPDATE each week!

Relocations:   I placed 7 this week.  Lots of bad weather this week then COLD!  In another location the shed was not able to be completed because of high winds.  GEEZ!                
7          Barn in Wylie (Elisa, Karma, Megan, Muffin, Pita, River, London)

March Closeout:  Placed 83 in March in 9 North Texas counties.
Cooke              Denton            Johnson
Collin              Ellis                 Kaufman
Dallas              Grayson          Rains

Our Cats after Release: 
1.     Valley View:  Bonnie and Clyde went to this barn on new property for the family.  They have not been spotted but the food is disappearing.   Good!
2.     Farmersville:  Trevor, Rory, and Camille went to this horse boarding barn.  Only Camille has been seen but l food is disappearing, items are being knocked off shelves, and a lower counter door is continually being opened.  I think they are all still around.  I recommended a game camera AND we put out some white power that will show paw prints.    
3.     Forney:  Alex, Dana, and Andy went to this barn with an active donkey.  All 3 are seen regularly – so I hope that continues. 
4.     Balch Springs:  Whitey, Blackie, and Kathy went to this garage/storage area.   Whitey escaped when they were cleaning the litter box (they turned away and left the door open) and she has not been seen.  BUT – food is disappearing and the litter boxes were being used.  I think they are all three still around.  The other 2 have been spotted.   
5.     Combine:  Big John went to this barn in Combine.  I had previously put out Regina, Italy, and Rose.  Rose comes back to eat but is not “hanging” in the barn.  The other two have taken up with neighbors (one in a shed the other under a porch).  Big John seems content in the barn.  The owner said he feels secure in the cage at night so I took her a cage to keep and use with him. 
6.     Van Alstyne:  Tigger went to this office/workshop area.  They intend to keep him in there to keep out the rodents.  It even has heat and AC.  GOOD JOB, TIGGER!
7.     Gainesville:  Mondo, Carrie, and Marty were placed in this workshop with a window so they can come and go.  All three have been spotted over the weekend…GREAT NEWS!   

Calls/Emails:   Update from Mesquite
Fiona, Frances, and Angel were placed in this barn in their backyard.  Fiona has made her way into their home and is sleeping on the bed!  WAY TO GO, FIONA!  
BMG:   Leukemia in 2 Cats
 A rescuer asked me to take 6 cats that a neighbor had moved off and left.  They are friendly.  SO – we make a plan and she worked with her daughter to get them to a vet clinic.  2 tested positive.  I said that I cannot take any on them because they all have been exposed.  THEN SHE SAID – “2 came from a field in back where cats have tested positive before.”  BUT – she still mixed those 2 with her other 4 – now all are in danger.  STUPID!  This should never have happened.  I hate people!

OMG:  Leukemia in 1 Cat
I was asked to take a Russian Blue that was living on a front porch and being threatened by a nasty neighbor.  When taken to the vet, he was leukemia positive.  She had him humanly put to sleep and was still crying when she called me.  I AM SO SORRY!  I lost 2 of my personal cats in the late 70’s before the vaccine was developed.  I was a mess, too.     
Elder Care Center Shed:  Update each week!  
Here is the finished product with the skirting, sink, and AC/heater installed.  The electric was connected on Sunday.  We will start moving cats over the next 2 to 3 weeks.  I will keep you posted!  

Thanks for following the Barn Cats Blog.            Peg      


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